Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Publish America

Recently on a writer's message board, the topic of self-publishing with Publish America came up. Why, some asked, would anyone with any knowledge of publishing actually choose this company to work with?
I had heard a lot about PA, most of it negative. To refresh my memory about specific complaints, I went to Google Search. I searched for "scam Publish America". Oh my, what a lot of complaints there seem to be!

With such titles as:

Condensed: Here are The Reasons We Don't Recommend PublishAmerica ...

Publish America Scam or Not? To Trust or Not To Trust? « Speak ...

The PublishAmerica Scam - A Writer's Life


Hmm...there were many, many such links. But to be fair, I had put the word "scam" in my search. Maybe I should just search for "Publish America legitimate?" 

I did, and again many people had adverse opinions--but hold on a sec, here's a lady who answered in the affirmative, and I quote:

PublishAmerica: Legitimate, or a hoax? - Yahoo! Answers

"I must say I'm sum what biased when it comes to this subject. I'm a writer and author and can tell you from experience Publish America is a legitimate Publisher. I did extensive research on the subject before submitting my novellas, "Behind the Red Door" and "Thorns of an Innocent Soul." And, I haven't quit my day job but I've paid several utility bills with my earnings."


 I think I would have taken her more seriously if she hadn't spelled "somewhat" as "sum what". Especially after warning authors that they should proofread their books a thousand times.

Another fellow over at:


also defends Publish America. He says, in part:

PublishAmerica is not a scam

Publish America has a particular business model that does not include providing for the most expensive part of selling something, marketing. This does not make them a scam. I published with them 5 and 1/2 years ago and I've just sent them another book which they've accepted. They made a few minor errors in the text even after I corrected it but this hardly makes them a scam. I'm reading Carver and there are typos there as well. I didn't sell any books but how is that their fault?

Another poster answers that question:

Indeed. It is not marketing but called distribution--which is what gets books into stores across the US an Canada. Without distribution to brick and mortar stores there are no significant book sales for the writer.

The stores want the right to return unsold books, which is significant money to any publisher. PA is unwilling to provide that to its writers, therefore, no sales.


More on Publish America and other POD publishers in my next blog.




  1. My opinion...Publish America has such a tainted rep that you might as well claim Kinko's is your publisher.

  2. Well, actually Kinko's wouldn't cost you an arm and a leg on top of all the other issues.

  3. The Scams Yall Got Are Lies - People using PA Backwards are the scams, and people who don't know much about they company are the scams... A book is better than no book - I wonder how much money do you think, Publisher America has to spend on each author they bring in for free,to print and market they book @ each store online, that they books is at. For most of them too sit at home lazy and do nothing with no one in the industry @ the authors on choice to not travel to Oprah's building and sit on her front door of here Harpo studios , just to get in - or keep calling newspapers on the phone and such - also paying a mere 30 dollars to have a writer write the story of your life so Wikipedia will except you .. - and paying a dollar advance , for someone doing nothing, ain't bad - though - and PA has ways to get on different than them as the publisher - people just need to do more in they life and still go with Publish America - It would be better than self publishing and then having no sells - when P.A Pays for every thing on 10 thousand authors i estimate.. Some of yall just mad cause yall can't have enough mula as Publish America to be what they Are.. Publish America Should Keep Charging People, that's what they need to do to help they self is pay those little fees. I think some authors just choose to never pay the fee's and sit back telling lies on the internet like some body busted they head. _ I have seen man celebrity's with P.A Who is willing to work with they authors.. The education say no book can sell without a publicist - P.A Can Act as a agent to sell to Major Publishers Like Bantam - and you think we don't know why me & PA the reason why they expect someone to change from they Publishing
